Phirez International provides solutions and services in the area of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and related applications.

GIS, Remote Sensing, Surveying, Cartography, Mobile Mapping, Drone, and surveying

Products & Solutions

PHIREZ has developed business partnerships with major international Geographic Information Technology industry players. The business partners we represent in the Ugandan market are; - Esri for ArcGIS software, Trimble for MGIS handheld GPS receivers and survey equipment, AIRBUS (formally ASTRIUM) for Satellite Imagery, and Alta4 for Richo GPS Cameras. The following is the range of software and hardware from the above partners

Esri Products

  • ArcGIS for Desktop
  • ArcGIS for Server
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS for Mobile
  • ArcPad
  • ENVI

Airbus Products

Satellite Imagery: We meet your needs for Latest High, Mid and low Resolution, photographic quality satellite imagery both processed and Raw around the Globe.

Trimble Products

  • Trimble TerraSync
  • Trimble TerraFlex
  • Trimble Business Center
  • Trimble Access
  • GPS Path Finder

DJI Products

  • Video Production
  • Professional Aerial and Ground Filmmaking Tools
  • Enterprise
  • Drone Solutions for a New Generation of Work
  • Agriculture
  • Efficient and Intelligent Agricultural Solution


Professional Trainings in GIS and Remote Sensing, AutoCAD, Use of Surveying equipment and Photogrammetry

GIS Solutions and Mapping Services

PHIREZ provides GIS Services that allow for the visualization of geographic data, analysis of spatial relationships, and efficient data management.

Satellite Image Processing

Using the appropriate software such as LiDAR, the company carries out image processing and 3-D analysis to reveal spatial relationships among different data sets
Our Clients

Recognized by the best

The company needed to complete a complex migration on a tight deadline to avoid millions of dollars in post-contract fees and fines.